
ver.di’s Berlin district was founded on June 17, 2001. It is ver.di’s largest district and provides more than 50% of the DGB’s (German Trade Union Confederation) members in the capital.

Besides a trade union’s typical tasks such as tariff policy, welfare policy, and economic policy, the district’s managing board has regarded it an important issue to take a clear stance against right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism, and racism, since its founding. Ver.di regularly and actively participates in rallies and demonstrations against right-wing extremism and organizes events covering topics such as cleaning “Stolpersteine”, excursions to memorial sites, and round table discussions. In 2008, ver.di-Berlin co-founded the initiative “Handeln statt wegsehen“ , to foster engagement against discrimination at the workplace. Since then, the initiative enjoys a steady growth.

  • Contact:
    ver.di Bezirk Berlin
    Köpenicker Str. 30
    10179 Berlin
  • Webside:
  • Mail:[at]
  • Phone: 030/8866-6